The Swan Boats in Echo Park Oil Painting
by Michel Cruz-Garcia
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20.000 x 16.000 x 1.000 inches
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The Swan Boats in Echo Park Oil Painting
Michel Cruz-Garcia
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Tired after a long week of work? What a better way to relax than taking a walk in a park with a beautiful lake to reconnect with nature again. In this scene, a swan boat moves through the lake moving toward the center of the lake where a water fountain throws water into the air. A closer look at the swan boat and small dashes of ran mimic rows of ducks that follow the boat all in formation. In the distance, different buildings are seen covered by the rich greenery presented by different plant life including palm trees. A small hint of the buildings of downtown Los Angeles can also be seen in the right side following the horizon. In the foreground, a man looks down at the plant life close to the railing deep in thought and relaxation. Right below, another human face can be seen gazing to the distance towards the swan boats.
This painting serves as a moment of peacefulness and tranquility where one can forget about all other troubles and for a few moments, enjoy a cheerful and vibrant scene of nature.
April 13th, 2023
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