A Pigeon Standing on a Dogs Water Bowl Oil Painting
by Michel Cruz-Garcia
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12.000 x 16.000 x 0.500 inches
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A Pigeon Standing on a Dogs Water Bowl Oil Painting
Michel Cruz-Garcia
Painting - Oil On Canvas
As humans have gained control of the world, it is still their responsibility to care for the wildlife of the world. In this scene, a pigeon lands on a dog’s water bowl outside one of the stores on the pier of Santa Barbara, California. A few sips of water later, the bird looks up and settles for a few seconds as if taking a short break to recover its energy. Bold strokes of paint make up the majority of the painting but a closer look at the pigeon’s head reveals finer strokes that give it more focus than other parts of the painting. The light coming from the left side of the scene creates a sort of blanket that warms the pigeon and creates strong shadows represented by darker blues and purples. The slight tilt of the pigeon’s head also follows the light to the left and creates an endearing emotion. It is similar to that characteristic of a dog tilting its his head to show that its is engaged or much like the way a human would nod during a conversation to indicate that he is listening.
This painting serves as a reminder of the animals that still need to coexist with us in the world and they, just as people also need help from time to time, also need our support and care for a better future.
April 13th, 2023
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